My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

So that's what that feels like

It has been so long since I've been able to craft I think I'd forgotten just how much fun it is to start with an idea, figure out what you are going to try and then working until you end up with a finished product.

This was just a little craft, nothing fancy but it was fun and it filled a need and made my daughter super happy.

Now that she has pierced ears we are quickly collecting teeny little earrings so I was trying to find an easy solution that was a cuter option than the boring plastic things you can buy online.

craft1 Supplies

craft2  I cut out the design and then prepared to trace all the pieces

craft3 All traced, then you have to cut everything

craft4 Lay out and glue

craft5 All Done! added ribbons for hanging and for holding the earrings (would work well for hair clips too).

"Me" Time

yea, two entries in a row!

Do you feel like you need time to yourself, away from your family? Some people probably don't and I think that is totally fine because it's right for them.
I've never had much time away and I was always fine with that and actually pretty judgmental about people that were constantly going out or away. 
The kind of Mom I wanted to be was around most often and family came first. And it worked and I still believe that is how it should be when you have little kids.

But my kids are not little anymore, my husband doesn't come home after work every night and I find myself firmly in a rut and increasingly unhappy about not getting more time "off".  I do think even the most dedicated, present parent needs some down time to recharge. If you have great sleepers it could be a few hours of napping a day, or your kids might go off  to school and leave you to your own devices for 6 hours.

I do not fall into those categories. My kids, obviously at 14 and almost 10, do not nap. They do not go to bed early either. They don't pop off to school. They don't even go to any classes or sports unless I take them.

I am ever present... or maybe they are ever present. I guess it depends on who is telling the story. And my husband is gone for at least half the month.

I know that at this point in my life I NEED, notice I did not say want, some time away from the kids, the house, the dogs, etc. I don't often feel like I have any idea how to spend "me' time. I'm painfully dull and practical is some areas so constantly shopping and ignoring the budget isn't an option and neither is just driving around wasting gas. I'm really not a girly girl so the things some of my friends do just do not interest me.

So while I'm not 100% sure how to fill my "free" time, I do know I need to think of a few options. I doubt the budget has the flex room for a deprivation chamber so this is really the easier route.

School's Out For Summer...

And if you are me it's been out for way longer than just the last few weeks/days.

The prep and packing for the move and then the chaos swirl of moving, unpacking, new dog, visiting MIL, working away for weeks husband pretty much adds up to  a big ol homeschooling FAIL  for us.

The kids are doing some basic grammar, math, reading etc. most days but its not consistent and not terribly exciting.

I'm feeling tremendous pressure from myself to get a plan together for this coming year. To see if my slacking has caused them to fall behind in any area. To get my act together. Sadly I just feel completely unable to even figure out a starting point. I have no idea what to do or how I want to do it.

I'm feeling so uninspired with everything. What do you do when you feel like that? How do you figure out a jumping off place to kick start the other ideas?

I'm definitely feeling like a harried homeschooling housewife lately!

A penny for my thoughts

My blog isn't read by thousands or even hundreds... maybe tens on a good day. I doubt my little opinions, thoughts or whines mean much to anyone but it is a place for me to get out the stuff in my head without addressing it to any particular person.

I'm sure by now you have seen footage, read articles  and formed opinions on the situation in the Gulf. It IS horrible, no two ways about it. It is a huge environmental disaster and BP has really seemed to screw up every attempt to solve the problem while not being honest about the severity. The impact of this screw up can't even be fully calculated just yet but it is obviously not good.

I am seeing tons of stop all drilling comments and slogans along similar lines. Screaming for alternative fuels.

I am a big supporter in alternative energy, saving the earth and basically not being a wasteful douche. But here is my irritation.... This isn't just about your car or changing a few lightbulbs. Do you have any idea how many products you use daily that contain some form of petroleum? Here are a few...

Ink, Dishwashing liquids, Paint brushes, Telephones, 

 Toys, Unbreakable dishes, Insecticides, Antiseptics,

 Dolls, Car sound insulation, Fishing lures, Deodorant,

 Tires, Motorcycle helmets, Linoleum, Sweaters,

 Tents, Refrigerator linings, Paint rollers, Floor wax,

 Shoes, Electrician's tape, Plastic wood, Model cars,

Glue, Roller-skate wheels, Trash bags, Soap dishes,

 Skis, Permanent press clothes, Hand lotion, Clothesline,

 Dyes, Soft contact lenses, Shampoo, Panty hose,

 Cameras, Food preservatives, Fishing rods, Oil filters,

 Combs, Transparent tape, Anesthetics, Upholstery,

 Dice, Disposable diapers, TV cabinets, Cassettes,

 Mops, Sports car bodies, Salad bowls, House paint,

 Purses, Electric blankets, Awnings, Ammonia,

 Dresses, Car battery cases, Safety glass, Hair curlers,

 Pajamas, Synthetic rubber, VCR tapes. Eyeglasses,

 Pillows, Vitamin capsules, Movie film, Ice chests,

 Candles, Rubbing alcohol, Loudspeakers, Ice buckets,

 Boats, Ice cube trays, Credit cards, Fertilizers,

 Crayons, Insect repellent, Water pipes, Toilet seats,

 Caulking, Roofing shingles, Fishing boots, Life jackets,

 Balloons, Shower curtains, Garden hose, Golf balls,

 Curtains, Plywood adhesive, Umbrellas, Detergents,

 Milk jugs, Beach umbrellas, Rubber cement, Sun glasses,

 Putty, Faucet washers, Cold cream, Bandages,

 Tool racks, Antihistamines, Hair coloring, Nail polish,

 Slacks, Drinking cups, Guitar strings, False teeth,

 Yarn, Petroleum jelly, Toothpaste, Golf bags,

 Roofing, Tennis rackets, Toothbrushes, Perfume,

 Luggage, Wire insulation, Folding doors, Shoe polish,

 Fan belts, Ballpoint pens, Shower doors, Cortisone,

 Carpeting, Artificial turf, Heart valves, LP records,

 Lipstick, Artificial limbs, Hearing aids, Vaporizers,

 Aspirin, Shaving cream, Wading pools, Parachutes

So, are you totally innocent? I doubt it, no one is. Obviously we should make changes and do what we can but blindly bitching about the evil oil companies and workers makes you look at best shortsighted. We don't want them to drill "here", or "there" but we keep buying stuff and using stuff that requires this material. We create the demand they are filling. And unless you live totally off the grid in a fully sustainable lifestyle, which means you most likely would never see this blog, you are part of that demand.

- Michelle (Venus)
*eco conscious
*wife of an oil industry worker on a natural gas rig

Crafty Spaces

Many people consider me a crafty person. So if I'm so damn crafty why am I a total blank on how to set up my new craft room?

Well, blank is exactly the right term... I have thoughts, ideas, inklings but I'm just not sure where to start or where to go with it. Plus it needs to be on the cheap. 
I'm just unsure so feel free to give me your opinions.

I have the one window pictured and a closet. The room is about 10x10

Swimming Upstream

I'm really struggling with some issues lately. 

I feel like I really don't have anyone to talk to that can understand or advise so I'm on my own. It's so hard to have Chris gone so often... not that I know he could help but you know, he married me so he has to listen to me.

There is so much that I want to accomplish. I feel like I'm on the verge of some big things and I'm just not sure where I'm going to end up... I guess that's part of the adventure.

John Burroughs is totally my man right now.

Leap, and the net will appear. 

Full of Potential... or salad

I can see a glimmer of normalcy on the horizon. Chris will be home Saturday and he is going to finish building the furniture which will get rid of lots of boxes... I swear I hate boxes right now.

Mostly right now my days are spent dealing with The Dude. It is like having a 60+ pound toddler, fun in some ways but holy cow a seriously exhausting amount of work.

I got a new camera and while I really have no clue how to use it I haven't let that stop me. Flowers are, in my opinion, a great practice subject. They don't wiggle, squirm, whine or run away. Those the windy days lately were tricky. lol Here is my nature album of my trying out my new camera. 

From Nature

I'm also at a point where I'm finally ready to deal with my weight and eating habits. I haven't had soda in almost a week and no candy/sweets in 3 days (I pigged on Easter). I'm slowly adding in exercise at a level that I can maintain. Once the pool is ready for Summer I will also be swimming daily which I hope helps. Today I was inspired to start a visual food journal.  I take a photo of most of my dinners anyway for the veggie blog so why not take it another step. This is for me the ultimate accountability. If I put it in my mouth I have to be willing to share a picture of it with the world. I've thought about making it a separate blog but for now it is just a flickr album, we'll see what happens in a few days/weeks. There are a few earlier pics on there but the full programs starts today April 8.

Ok, it didn't even take a week. I started the blog  lol  I need to find a new template and pretty it up and add my pics but here is the addy.

Randomy Randomness

I posted this on a msg board last night and thought I'd share it here so I can remember it...

We've been in the house for 18 days. 

Day 1, we unloaded the uhaul.
Day 2, Dude got fixed and stayed overnight.
Day 3, Get Dude... less than 2 hours later he's bleeding and has removed his stitches. The vet meets us and takes him back.
Day 4, Dh leaves to go back to work. Get tv/internet
Day 6, Dude comes home... full of crazy.
Day 11, finally get wireless network running,  my laptop Dh home around 11pm
Day 12, MIL arrives 
Day 13, Dude starts training classes
Day 18, waiting for MIL to leave for airport. Dh leaves in the morning for another week.

Days that weren't listed often went like this....  

So here I sit on the morning of Day 19. The Dude is for now quietly playing in the back yard... probably destroying something or chewing on rocks, yep he does that.

I didn't sleep so well last night and I'm the only one awake so far, it's kinda nice to have these moments to collect my thoughts and prepare for the day.

My number one goal for the next few days is to regain some kind of routine. I really haven't had a chance to settle in even though it has been almost 3 weeks. I do not like being in limbo, my friends know this and constantly point it out... thanks. lol We have most of the rest of the furniture that we need but it was delivered yesterday and Chris leaves today so odds are it's not going to be set up in time. Now yes, hear me roar, I guess I could try to put the computer desk and bookcases together but let's get real here and realize that I'm probably NOT going to do that.

I'm going to focus on getting into my kitchen and cooking meals, getting the kids back to bed at decent hours, working on Dude's training. 

Eventually, I know everything will be set up and ready and the house will be settled. I just wish it was sooner.

Home Sweet Home

*deep sigh*  The worst is over, I think.

We have moved, it is officially over... all of our stuff is here and we've closed on the house. We need a few big pieces so we can finish unpacking (bookcases, entertainment center, etc).

The house is amazing, which we knew. It is 20 years old so of course it needs some work but we expected that.

Thursday 3/25, My mother in law is flying out for a week so the new routine will have to wait until April 1. I need to get back on track with a lot of things... cooking, blogging, school, crafts. I feel too up in the air with all of this recent upheaval. I need my constants to ground me and make me feel centered. I will get up and clean the kitchen in the morning and that is one of my most zen moments of the day... I want, no, I NEED more of those.

Run, Venus, Run

I love my life. I have an amazing family. 

I try very hard to be a good mom. To fulfill all my obligations to the best of my ability. To learn and grow in ways  that will make my family and house happier. I'm moving ever closer to a more simple, eco-aware, homesteading kind of life and that is a major goal of mine.

But sometimes, like now, I fantasize about running away. Just for a day... not forever. Just a day of no one else in my head, no thoughts of what anyone needs or mentally mapping where all my little ducks are at the moment.

Just one day, one night of freedom. Of being blissfully selfish.

And while those thoughts are still there under the surface, like a dream. One of my kids will make me laugh so hard that I can't catch my breath. Or do something so sweet and genuine that I can feel my heart actually ache with love for the people they are and I know there is no where else I'd rather be.

Sometimes, being "free" isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Holy Tight Schedule, Batman

I've just really looked at our timeline...

In 14 days we close on the house.

In 15 days we pick up the uhaul and load it.

In 16 days we drive out and start unloading.

In 17 days we finish unload (if needed) and drop off the uhaul and are officially living in TX.

Not one box packed still and I have no clue what all I need to do!  LOL

It's all going to be ok.

I feel very frazzled lately. I'm not blogging because I don't like or want to be a mopey Debbie Downer blogger. 

I've been feeling more and more stress and irritation lately. This is hard... Life is hard! Being a grown up and moving forward and doing great fulfilling things is HARD! 

But good. It is all good. And this stress is temporary for soon another stress is going to take it's place. I need to stop allowing the stress and drama to pull me down. I do not have to choose to let these feelings rule my day.

I'm focusing on the positives and just how amazing my life is. I have the best friends, both online and off, in the world. I have awesome kids that make my life better in every way, even when they are being snotty. I have a husband that has dedicated his life to making me happy and his hard work allows me to stay home and teach our children, follow my creative passions and is the sole reason we are soon moving to a beautiful new home.

Life is Good and I am lucky and appreciative.

Stress, you can go Suck It! because I'm over letting you run the show.

Menu Planning Blues

Some weeks its so easy and other weeks it is torture... guess which this is. lol  This what I have so far. Our weeks are so weird with Chris coming home and leaving on Wed/Thur so I try to do easier stuff when he is gone and it's just the kids and I. I should start planning a full 14 day home/away meal rotation. That's a great goal but I just need to get through the next few days.

Fri - Pizza - yes the frozen not healthy kind, whatever lol
Sat - Red Beans and Rice
Sun - Broc Cheese Soup
Mon - My Anniversary, I refuse to cook
Tue - Taco Salad
Wed - Pasta with Garlic White Sauce
Thu - hmm? leftovers? fend for yourself and have cereal for all I care?
Fri - Crock Pot Chili
Yea, Good enough. 

Feeling the stress

Stress, for me at least, isn't just a vague panicky feeling. It is a physical manifestation... I FEEL it in my body. I feel it up my back. The unpleasant tingle of tightening muscles, of raw nerves.

This process, this stress, of buying a home. Of getting paperwork in order, waiting for inspections, waiting to see what the seller will agree to fix... waiting waiting waiting. 

Secure the loan... open up your bank account, your educational history, a million little details that supposedly tell them all they need to know about who and what we are. All they need to know to decide our future.

I feel like a scientific specimen. Flayed open, tiny pokes, constant prodding. Organs, thoughts, actions.. the minutiae of my life held up and inspected. 

Soon this roller coaster will stop and with luck we will have the house of our dreams. And while I anxiously long for that reward I cannot say I'm enjoying the ride.

Oh Happy Day!

The seller has accepted our offer. We have an executed contract!

The home inspection is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'm super anxious and excited.

I know this really isn't news for anyone but I felt like I still needed to blog about it. This is such a HUGE moment for us. This spring I will be living in my very own home. I'm already thinking about where to put the furniture and reading books on composting and urban gardening.

This is honestly one of our biggest dreams come true.

12 of 12 January

It is January 12 so it is time for 12 of 12. My friend Brian does this a lot and I always mean to do it but never quite make it work. But I did it!

Here we go

1. First thing I see in the morning... see the layer of dust lol

2. I really like it so far and I've just started.

3. My tags and biz cards arrived from Vistaprint today. woot

4. It was my day to update the veggie blog.

5. On the road

6. Mr. Men, Little Miss toys  LOVE these

7. Main library building with weird art thingy in front.

8. Mancala

9. Yum!

10. Belly rub time

11. Yea, just some of that healthy vegetarian eating. lol

12. Evil kitty that can't sit in my lap she wants to be on my chest, up in my face.

And the search continues

Buying a house is a total emotional roller coaster. I'm already feeling the effects and we've barely started the process. 

I realized last night that I was not at all being honest with myself. I was getting stars in my eyes over updated baths and double ovens. But the fact is we live a certain life in our home and the space has to support that or we... I will end up hating that house in a few years and I so do not want that.

Because we homeschool, I have a home business and my husband is home every other week for 7 days we must have not only a certain amount of space but it also has to be arranged right to be useful to us. A giant living room looks great at first but once it's covered in school books and crafty bits because we have no where else to work,  it's not going to seem so awesome.

So we are still searching, but maybe with a bit more of a realistic eye. The right space first, cosmetic updates second most important. We have years to make this house a home and we can tackle projects one at a time until it is perfect.

New Year, New Projects

So my friend Empress asked me to join her in starting a vegetarian blog that seemed more real life... no perfect kitchens and blingy cameras. I was totally on board and this was what we ended up with...    

The Real Mom's Vegetarian Starter Kit
Recipes, reviews, handy tips and stories from the trenches of picky kids, pickier husbands, successful meals and total disasters.

And I've decided to try the 365project... again!  Last year I failed but I have a good feeling about 2010. You should join me!

 Venus 365


Oh, why not... what's it going to hurt.

1. Lose weight, I think this one is a required resolution.
2. Read 50 books, at least 5 of those being never before read classics.
3. Get my new house set up and start a garden and composting.
4. Make at least one new vegetarian recipe each month.
5. After the move, find a local shop to carry some of my toys or attend at least one craft show.

I am very much looking forward to what this new year has in store. I hope you all have a wonderful new year.