My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

The Final Countdown... Waiting for Gustav

That earworm is my parting gift to you. lol

Well, it is Sunday morning. Contraflow has started in my area, I think it started yesterday in the NO area.

We are stocked up on non perishables and water. I spent yesterday cooking some of the stuff in the freezer and doing some prep work to make grill cooking easier in case we are without power for a while.

Everything is off the floor just in case and we have a second floor that we can camp out on if things get soggy. ;)

I'll be online until the minute we lose power but this will probably be my last official blog until after Gustav has passed and life starts going back to normal. I have my camera so maybe I'll get some good storm/damage shots for you.

Keep us in your thoughts. See you on the other side.


rain, rain

Watching Gustav and planning for supplies in case of a power outage.

Working on new stuff, make sure you visit Sole Mate Toys to stay updated.

Drumroll please!

Announcing the grand bloginnings of.....

Sole Mate Toys

go look around and share the link

I'm actually going to use my blog to "blahg"

I rarely talk about HS stuff on here because, well I dunno why really but it just never comes up.

Lately I'm feeling again like I have no idea wtf I'm doing. I honestly think I suck at this and I am not that sure that my kids might not do better going off to school. Okay well that's really not true... I mean hello I live in Louisiana, public school is not an option.

Many of the members of my HS group are free spirited and lean toward the unstructured and child led learning models. I read of how their kids love to explore and learn and do all of this great stuff. You know what my kids love? TV, reading for fun, Wii, goofing off.

Hi, I'm Michelle and I have lazy children...

Don't get me wrong, they are great kids and they have chores (they have to be reminded/nagged to do them) and they will do what they have to do... but not one bit more. Our days are filled with negotiations and compromises. "Do I HAVE to do #3 in my daily grams?" Cameron (12) wanted to do something different today and I suggested he read a book off the shelf. He picked a book of Greek Myths... first thing out of his mouth was "Exactly how long do I HAVE to read?" And what I heard was "I'd hate to do one minute more than I might be required!"

Am I doing something wrong? Am I failing? Do all homeschoolers and parents in general have these fears or am I a total freak... don't answer that. ;)

I just want to feel like I am doing a good job, this is the only one I have and it sucks to feel sub par when it's all you have to accomplish. I want them to be good people and I think they will be but I also want them to be as smart as possible and have the best start they can when they leave my house and I'm afraid that I'm failing hard on that account.

Sigh, tomorrow is another day I guess.

fast update

I know, I know!!

I'm still working on a big order. 2 bunnies and the octo are done, I'm almost done with the boy monkey and I have to do a girl monkey. And I had two bunnies to do right before I started this current order.

Once this order is complete I'm going to be making some changes, the biggest is setting up a separate blog for Sole Mate Toys. I'm still debating keeping this blog for my personal stuff or starting a fresh one... laziness will probably win out on that one.

Big news - I have a laptop WOOT! and a new camera.

New camera pictures...



I'll be in touch soon... I swear!