My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

Well... blah

We had our cable reconnected and that has been AWESOME. Digital cable and dvr is the best invention ever and I have been zoning out on tv more than I really should but I'm making up for a 14 month dry spell. lol

Other than the joy of tv in my life I feel very blah. I feel like all of my friends are moving forward and have had all of these great rewarding things happen in their lives recently and here I sit. Very soon I will be 30 and I feel like I have jack to show for it. I have no great job, no big future plans, no classes to attend. I think I missed the exit to a real life that all of my friends took and I'm stuck on dead end drive. Blah, oh well. :(

I hate being away from my technology

When the house disaster started I was forced to move my computer to my bedroom because my school/comp room was part of the destruction. Well now that everything is as done as it is going to be for now I needed to move it back.

So two days ago I got up and felt motivated so I cleaned off all needed areas, unplugged and carted my baby out to it's new/old home. I really hate having to reconnect a computer, no matter how many times I have done it the wires and ports make my brain go wonky. lol But finally I get it all hooked up and organized and dusted and beautiful. I also found another ethernet cord and hooked Cam's pc up to the digi phone router. So then came the issue... the technician had told us we could just switch the wires back ourself and avoid another visit. Yea it didn't quite work out that way.

So I had to wait computerless and phoneless util the guy arrived today. I am very glad to be back online and Cam is beyond thrilled to be able to play on Mindstein again.

Dinner and a movie

*Big Sigh*

MIL finally took the rugrats overnight, she has been busy since opening the health food store so it has been a while and I was so ready! DH and I went out to dinner, stopped by 7-11 for a banana slurpee and then popped over to Blockbuster.

Yes, I know the crazy life of married parents in their 30's huh? lol

But I'm a simple gal and it was great fun and a damn fine slurpee! Let's see what did we rent...

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle - Immature, drug and sexual humor seems to be the only point of this film at all. It was great! Dh and I were both just cracking up laughing. Totally our brand of infantile humor. Loved it, may watch it again before it goes back.

Chappelles Show season 2 - I have been without tv for over a year so I had heard all about the show but not been luck enough to see it myself. Oh my dear hell! The Charlie Murphy/Rick James and Prince/b-ball bits nearly did me in.

Constantine - Yea you know what? It has Keanu and that's really all I care about. He could just walk around and read a grocery list for all I care. But I thought it was pretty good. It's not going to win any Oscars and I'm certainly no critic but it wasn't a bad way to spend 2 hours.

We still have Guess Who? and Dreamcatcher to watch. I just finished reading Dreamcatcher by S.King so I'm looking forward to the movie. His books usually do pretty well as movies, Green Mile was the most accurate, IMO.

We (MIL, Dh, Cameron, Teagan and me) went to watch Because of Winn-Dixie at the library today, it was a cute family movie. Cam and I read the book last week so it was nice to see the flick.

Speaking of schoolwork

I know I'm totally blogwhoring but this was great!

The kids had their work and I was starting lunch and blabbing to Blue on the phone. One of Cam's last assignments was to write a few sentences. I gave him a workbook from Starfall and on this page the story starter featured June and Duke and the snowman they made meeting a bad end.

Well I didn't think much of it past the part of actually getting Cam to create the sentences since pulling teeth actually would be an easier task. So I'm reading the starter blurb to him and asking him questions to get him thinking and Blue busts out in my ear JUNE & DUKE?! *rofl*

She is seriously guffawing in my ear and so I start laughing too. She asks if they have a dog named Spit. LOL So for the next 15 minutes she totally mocks my kids knockoff ghetto Dick and Jane wannabe workbook and by this point I have tears and can't even talk. So after a bit we compose ourselves and I say to her, "they used icecubes for eyes".


"Um, icecubes... for the eyes. June and Duke used icecubes for the snowmans eyes."

Pause and hysterical laughter

"And *laugh* a prune for the nose"

So at that point she says I am totally makeing this up but I'm not and we burst into fits again and face hurts from laughing. That my friend, is a good day. :D

OMG they have the pages online so you can see them! LMAO

Ok so here is Snowy
and here is the facing page June and Duke

Change is good!

Wugh, I was SO sick of my old template. I tried to search for a new one but most of the free ones I found either seriously sucked butt or they just were not me. I'm a rather unique individual you know. LOL

I thought about trying to make one but I am less skilled at graphics stuff than I am at knitting if you can believe that.

So I just used another of the Blogger offered template but it is brighter. I really needed more color and that obnoxious green is working for me, for now.

It's 2:31, the kids have done all of their work for the day and I have cleaned the cat pan and the guinea pig cage. Well I think I'm pretty much beat. ;) I want to start my next book but I could knit also. *scratch chin*

GAWD have I mentioned I hate not having smilies on here? Yea I know only like 1000 times. But really, it's like having to talk without using my hands.

Let's see heah

Well nothing much going on in the yarn world, a few more rows onto the NEVERENDING YARNBAG. Are you singing that song? Are ya, huh huh?

If not you are too damn young and I hate you , you young nubile bitch. No I don't really hate you. Come here, I didn't mean it. I'm just getting testy because I'm turning 30 this year. I love you, I swear.

So I added (because Blue gave my lazy ass the code) a book list to my blog. YAY! I have read quite a few books lately but I'm blanking on most of them so I just listed the most recent and will keep track from now on. :D

I have THIS link in my sig line at Sybermoms because I love it so. I could play it in a loop all day. Of course my kids would bitch and the cats would probably run away but who cares. I would be happy! One day I will collect enough loose change to go buy the cd.


New profile pic. If it works it's my "Hey FreakGirl, whatcha posting over there?" face.

Prodigal Blogger again

Maybe I should change my name. lol Well I got into a "I suck and it's useless for me to try to knit" phase. Then I found a local group on so I decided to go check that out because I am in DIRE need of friends of the adult persuasion.

It was fine, and so nice to be out of the house sans children, so I started working on my bag again. I had to go get another skein of yarn. Have I said that it's the Caron Simply Soft before? Well that's what it is if you are one of those types that care. It's the embriodery print.

So anyway, I guess I am back for now. ;) I visited my friend Blue's blog today and she had this weirdness test on there so I took it.

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

Off to rinse the dye out of my hair, Garnier 100% in Intense Auburn again for you freaks who care about that sort of thing. ;)

Well I nevah!

Well it seems the jig is up. I have been found out. I was recently asked by a close friend about my blog, I linked her obviously so she could check it out. Her reply, "Do you ... only talk about knitting?" You know I'm actually pretty sure she said the word "knitting" like my best friends southern Grandmother says anything unpleasant. Oh you know the way of the Southern woman, I know you do. That hushed tone to convey the seriousness or unsavoriness of the word.

"Well, yea" was my oh so witty reply. I set up this blog just to have a place to post my fledgling skills. So she, in that way only best friends can deliver, told me I was a dork and when I said well no one reads it anyway she gave me that look. Now to be fair I couldn't "SEE" the look because we were on the phone but I heard the look.

So to steal a tired movie phrase and twist it to suit my needs.

If I blog it they will read

So here it is Meg, my first fully unknit related blog. *kiss*

I also switched my font from Veranda to Trebuchet, I think I like it but feel free to share your opinion.

Yarn quiz overload ;)

You are Shetland Wool.
You are Shetland Wool.
You are a traditional sort who can sometimes be a
little on the harsh side. Though you look
delicate you are tough as nails and prone to
intricacies. Despite your acerbic ways you are
widely respected and even revered.

What kind of yarn are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Knitting Apprentice
You appear to be a Knitting Apprentice.
You've got the basics down pat and you might just
be falling in love with this hobby. Big
needles, funky yarns and simple shapes are the
name of the game, but it doesn't mean you don't
experiment a bit, here and there. As an
apprentice, you probably fall back on other
people to get you through those rough spots,
and if you don't know anyone who knits, you
probably have a few books or online sources to

What Kind of Knitter Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Young knitter
You're a young knitter, just starting out. Welcome
to the fold! Find yourself some nice soft yarn
and grab a latte- it takes a while to finish a
project but it's well worth it.

Are you a knitter?
brought to you by Quizilla

Trendsetters. You love odd, different, and
sometimes impractical things. But it's fun,

What brand of yarn are you? (Knitting)
brought to you by Quizilla

You like blue sock yarn. You are a fellow. You don't like bars, you prefer pubs.
What color of sock yarn do you prefer?

brought to you by Quizilla

More pics of the...bag?

Ok so nothing exciting here just updated pics of the bag-thing's progress. It feels like it take forever to get a row done. I'm going really slow. Of course real life is so not helping in that regard. Next week I'm getting kicked out of my house for them to "finish" (I'll believe that when I see it) so I'll be at my MIL's house. I'll have less comp time but more knitting time and tv... oh glorious television. *swoon*

Oh have I not mentioned we are tv-free? Bleh, thats another days bitch session. LOL

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Flog me with wet wool

I have not blogged in quite a while. My house has been in remodel chaos since the day after Easter. But no, not just house as a general term... My KITCHEN, my everything really because the chaos has spread around really nicely.

Not only do I have a destroyed houe it is being ripped apart and mostly put back together by my "sensitive" builder. As if this process couldn't be more fun anyway, try adding in a person that eats your food, destroys your plastic bowls and gets upset and refuses to come to work the next day if you question him!!!

Anyway, I'm on a tangent. LOL

I haven't knitted anything since the poncho. I tried another one in a different style but I ended up frogging it.

Yesterday I decided to grab the circs Blue bought me (Clover size 3) and see if I could knit on them. This is what I have so far. It's going pretty well I think.

I'd like to thank my loverly model, Barbara.
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And again with the pictures

YAY, I'm fully finished. Here it is.

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Here is a close up of the ribbon.
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DRUMROLL please!

I completed the PONCHO! Of course I sewed it together wrong at first but who's counting. lol

Teagan was set on wearing it so it still needs a few finishing touches that I will add on tomorrow. I am going to cinch the top with a ribbon and fun fur the bottom.

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I swear she isn't scared, I think she is just over cheesing or something. LOL

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So there, Blue, are you happy now? ;)


I have both panels done. Now I just have to figure out how to put them together. LOL

Please light a candle or pray for me or something ;)

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WOOHOO I'm quasi-famous


The Pink V

Bad Blogger

Yea Yea, I might care that I haven't updated in forever if I actually had any readers. Well not counting the pitty read from my best friend Blue. LOL

I am not only in begginer knitting hell BUT remodeling hell too. Maybe knitting will save the tiny bit of sanity I have. ;)

Ok so remember the poncho Blue talked (bullied!) me into making? Yea, not done yet. First attempt sucked, second attempt I had to frog and now I'm on the third try. What I come out with this time is what she is wearing REGARDLESS!. So I think it is going pretty well this time but we shall see.

Here is what I have so far with my kick ass yarn tote from Jo-Anns. I love it and if I had smilies here I would add a drooling one.

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Oh my

I may just become a knitter yet...

I did my first color change. WooHooo

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Speaking of Blue...

She is forcing me into a knit along that she assures me will result in a daughter sized poncho...

We shall see. I'll upload a pic later of my progress.

ok here is what I have so far...

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Best friends are the BEST!

I got a surprise package this week from my bestest friend, Blue. She is sneaky and wonderful and I LOVE her. :D

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All together now... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ok now I really have to learn to knit, this yarn is gorgeous. I am so in love with the colors. I don't know I'm thinking maybe a simple felted tote bag?

Yes...YES.. Oh BABY you know how I like it!

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Dh is very confused about the need for "so much" yarn. Of course I can't knit to save my ass so he may have a point. ;)

A very serious topic today...

I am in full on blog envy! Have you read any of the blogs in my link list? Some of these gals are piss in my chair hilarious.

I want to be effortlessly funny. I want to write inspired bits of fluff and have everyone rolling at their desks with tear filled eyes making sure they bookmark my blog so they don't miss my next enchanting entry.

Oh well, I always want to have the skill to knit a real project. Such is life! ;)

Purl = Debil

No, seriously. I really suck at it. My practice piece is so disfugured from my purl attempts that I'm not sure I can share a photo of it. I am now desperate to learn how to use circular needles so I can forever avoid the dreaded purl. LOL

Dog help me

Not only have the yarnophiles sucked me in but now they have talked me into being a craft blogger. Oh the humanity!

I live in one of the hellishly warm southern states

Which means I live in flip flops. You know I'm not sure if I still own a pair of real sneakers... I will have to look.

I made these today. My daughter is thrilled!

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Ok so I am very new at all of this yarn business

And I am a HUGE photo hore so I think you realize where this is going...

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This is my practice, um.. whatever you want to call it. LOL So far I only know the knit stitch so no big thrills yet.