My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

Dinner and a movie

*Big Sigh*

MIL finally took the rugrats overnight, she has been busy since opening the health food store so it has been a while and I was so ready! DH and I went out to dinner, stopped by 7-11 for a banana slurpee and then popped over to Blockbuster.

Yes, I know the crazy life of married parents in their 30's huh? lol

But I'm a simple gal and it was great fun and a damn fine slurpee! Let's see what did we rent...

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle - Immature, drug and sexual humor seems to be the only point of this film at all. It was great! Dh and I were both just cracking up laughing. Totally our brand of infantile humor. Loved it, may watch it again before it goes back.

Chappelles Show season 2 - I have been without tv for over a year so I had heard all about the show but not been luck enough to see it myself. Oh my dear hell! The Charlie Murphy/Rick James and Prince/b-ball bits nearly did me in.

Constantine - Yea you know what? It has Keanu and that's really all I care about. He could just walk around and read a grocery list for all I care. But I thought it was pretty good. It's not going to win any Oscars and I'm certainly no critic but it wasn't a bad way to spend 2 hours.

We still have Guess Who? and Dreamcatcher to watch. I just finished reading Dreamcatcher by S.King so I'm looking forward to the movie. His books usually do pretty well as movies, Green Mile was the most accurate, IMO.

We (MIL, Dh, Cameron, Teagan and me) went to watch Because of Winn-Dixie at the library today, it was a cute family movie. Cam and I read the book last week so it was nice to see the flick.


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