My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

I love productive weekends

Well... my own version of being productive that is.

Yesterday my darling husband, dh, made dinner all on his own and I sat on my arse reading and finishing a book. It was 37 by Maria Beaumont and it was total shite!!! Bleh

Today is a loverly, lazy Sunday. I hate time changes as a rule so that goes without saying. Dh took the kids to the park today. They left at 11am and it is now 3:30 and they are still off having fun. I've wired/stuffed 8 bunny ears and 8 mini octo legs, stuffed and closed the bunny crew bodies and now I have to do the nose/mouth embroidery and then attach all the bit together in the next few days.

The dishwasher is running, the kitchen is clean and ready for dinner prep.. steaks on the grill. YUM!

I painted a mini terra cotta pot with a base coat of white. It will become an extra pin cushion for my craft area, once I finish with it. And I actually had time to read a few chapters of a new book. All in all, this has been a pretty awesome day. :D


Walt said...

Rare day to yourself! I hope you savored it while it lasted!

Walt said...

Rare day to yourself! I hope you savored it while it lasted!

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