My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

It's a craft corner picapalooza woot

I'm working on a bunch of bunnies for Easter but I thought I'd share with you the little additions I've made to my work space.

New thread and thread holder that I bought off ebay *drool* Yes my ocd gene was thrilled at sorting the colors.

I made the ribbon holder, yay me.

To give you a better idea of my area all decorated

I made a line for the seasonal socks I'm working on at the time. I got a couple of new button containers too.

Most of my socks... I'm in dire need on some sock organization. Eek!


Will Radik said...

Wow. Look at you! You're making me jealous I don't have a home to organize.

The Smiths said...

Ok, like so awesome! I want jars of buttons and socks on the wall. You are like all professional, and stuff.

Lisa said...

I am drooling!!! I love it!!! Nice job V.

Lisa said...

Forgot to add that I have a few of those socks lol.

Will Radik said...

Wow. Look at you! You're making me jealous I don't have a home to organize.

The Smiths said...

Ok, like so awesome! I want jars of buttons and socks on the wall. You are like all professional, and stuff.

Lisa said...

I am drooling!!! I love it!!! Nice job V.

Lisa said...

Forgot to add that I have a few of those socks lol.

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