My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

Ch Ch Ch Changes

We have had some really big changes in the last few months. Most notable are the move and my husband getting a new job that has in him another state at least 7 days at a time. He left Nov.30th and returned Dec.22nd this last shift but I think that is not going to happen again because it's just too long.

I have to start being more mindful of my priorities and putting toy making and house management higher on the list. We are considering a dog which would be a huge change. We are traveling to Texas in Feb for some friend visiting and a pro hockey game for the boys.

There are some changes coming for the podcast too and you will hear all about that soon.

I'm also going to give Project 365 a try, I'll dedicate a set for those pics on my flickr and I'm sure I'll be linking to the shots often.


Walt said...

Your husband's job had him away for 3 weeks? Oy. That's got to be hard on the family. A week at a time is annoying enough, but three weeks just sucks unless it's a one time thing.

Cassie said...

((HUGS)) on your dh being away for such long stretches.

While I love the idea of the photo a day, I hate being tied to something like that because then I feel obligated to do it. In the last several months, I've way cut back on my screen time and that would just add to it. kwim?

Venus said...

walt, at most he will probably do 10 days from now on. Three weeks was just too much at a time for it to be constant thing. He is supposed to be gone 7 days then home 7 days.

Walt said...

Your husband's job had him away for 3 weeks? Oy. That's got to be hard on the family. A week at a time is annoying enough, but three weeks just sucks unless it's a one time thing.

Cassie said...

((HUGS)) on your dh being away for such long stretches.

While I love the idea of the photo a day, I hate being tied to something like that because then I feel obligated to do it. In the last several months, I've way cut back on my screen time and that would just add to it. kwim?

Venus said...

walt, at most he will probably do 10 days from now on. Three weeks was just too much at a time for it to be constant thing. He is supposed to be gone 7 days then home 7 days.

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