My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.


From Dec 2007 (how it went)

I only accomplished 2 of my 7 goals from last year so I'm kinda bummed but my year took a different turn and overall I'm very happy with what I accomplished.

I'm going with 5 goals this year...

1. Get back into my eating and exercise routine (no soda or fast food for first 6 months of the year) (went well for a while and like always - crash and burn le sigh)

2. Read 50 books (I only finished 30 something this year) (oh so freaking close, I read 48, I've started the 49th)

3. Find a way to get my website up and running (Well, its not a full site but it is a start )

4. Network locally to expand and promote my business. Find out what my local options are more fully (actually I have enough biz resolutions to make another list. My business is going to be a big focus for me this year) (I could have done more but I was invited to join a spring Craft Expo in '09 so I'm pretty happy. I also joined a local craft group on etsy.)

5. Buy or Do a little something fun for myself once a month and NOT feel guilty about it! ( The cashflow got in the way of this but I can't complain. I've ended the year on a super positive note)

Ch Ch Ch Changes

We have had some really big changes in the last few months. Most notable are the move and my husband getting a new job that has in him another state at least 7 days at a time. He left Nov.30th and returned Dec.22nd this last shift but I think that is not going to happen again because it's just too long.

I have to start being more mindful of my priorities and putting toy making and house management higher on the list. We are considering a dog which would be a huge change. We are traveling to Texas in Feb for some friend visiting and a pro hockey game for the boys.

There are some changes coming for the podcast too and you will hear all about that soon.

I'm also going to give Project 365 a try, I'll dedicate a set for those pics on my flickr and I'm sure I'll be linking to the shots often.

A lil post holiday msg.

Usually I am a holiday SAP but this year I was meh the whole time. I enjoyed buying stuff my kids would like but I just didn't care about the actual holiday or decorating or any of it really. I skated by and did anything the kids wanted but the heart wasn't in it like in years past.

Cam got the only thing he asked for. DSCF0384

Teagan got a VERY large gift DSCF0390 the language used to assemble that was not G rated.

And it seems like it's not a real holiday unless it involves the Wii... DSCF0388

And for good measure here are the kids again... Cam, 12 DSCF0377
Teagan, 8 DSCF0375

Moving is for the birds!

But I'm back, I know you missed me!

If you haven't visited recently you should head over to Sole Mate Toys there are some new pics and updates.

Here are a few pics of our new apt. area. Not inside, I need to clean first. lol