My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

How to be a total ass to a creative person

Over the last few weeks I've heard comments like these said to myself and to friends. I've also seen it so often online that I've lost count.

There is value in creation. There is value in capturing perfect and totally imperfect moments in photographs, paintings, music and all other forms of artistic self expression.

"Why?"  Don't ask me why, it sets my teeth on edge. You can ask what inspired the creation or questions that dig deeper into the history of the piece but when you just say why with that tone I'm pretty much getting the feeling that you are implying that what I'm doing is pointless and I'm not super inclined to be nice to you at that point. The why is because I can!

"You/She/They have too much time on their hands"  This may be the comment that pisses me off most of all. Really? Who are you to judge how others spend their time? Tibetan Monks have a tradition of creating beautiful mandalas out of colored sand. Once the piece is finished they sweep it up. If "they have too much time on their hands" is your first thought, you might have missed the point. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, some of us choose to spend our time on art or gardening or whatever makes us happy.

"I could do that"  Wow, dismissive much? Ok, so go do it and good luck to you. Of course, this one is best if it comes with a really snotty voice and if you add in complaints about how much they are charging you win a gold star for asshatery.

For creative people, IME, the act of creating is like breathing. We have to do it. It is where we find our bliss. There is value in any time spent doing things that make you happy. Don't be the person who goes around licking the red off everyone else's lollipop.