My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

Esty bound?

I'm toying with the idea of selling on Esty. This week one of my dearest friends set up her Little Shop of Yarn Goodness. Her work is amazing. If you have a cloth diapered baby or if you know anyone that cloth diapers you must check out her wool soakers. They are adorable!

So today I made this little guy... what do you think?

We have experienced a tragic loss today

When Teagan was 2 she was given a bobblehead cow as a gift. She loves the cow and it made it through her toddlerhood and a multi-state move all in one piece. Mooey has been on my dash for a while and is usually very stable.

My husband and daughter left to run errands and apparently Mooey + open passenger window + corner = RIP

You will be missed, Mooey.

Luckily, ebay saved the day. A new Mooey is on the way and he is bringing a sheep and a piggy with him.

Scratch that

I messed up the sock and frogged it. *cry*

I finished the star rug

Yea, I'm kinda over the star for now, it feels like it takes forever once you get to the outer rows. But the kids are happy and they like it so mission accomplished. :D