Well it seems the jig is up. I have been found out. I was recently asked by a close friend about my blog, I linked her obviously so she could check it out. Her reply, "Do you ... only talk about knitting?" You know I'm actually pretty sure she said the word "knitting" like my best friends southern Grandmother says anything unpleasant. Oh you know the way of the Southern woman, I know you do. That hushed tone to convey the seriousness or unsavoriness of the word.
"Well, yea" was my oh so witty reply. I set up this blog just to have a place to post my fledgling skills. So she, in that way only best friends can deliver, told me I was a dork and when I said well no one reads it anyway she gave me that look. Now to be fair I couldn't "SEE" the look because we were on the phone but I heard the look.
So to steal a tired movie phrase and twist it to suit my needs.
If I blog it they will read
So here it is Meg, my first fully unknit related blog. *kiss*
I also switched my font from Veranda to Trebuchet, I think I like it but feel free to share your opinion.