My life is one big jumble of kids, pets, crafts, friends, food, home and business.

Oh my

I may just become a knitter yet...

I did my first color change. WooHooo

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Speaking of Blue...

She is forcing me into a knit along that she assures me will result in a daughter sized poncho...

We shall see. I'll upload a pic later of my progress.

ok here is what I have so far...

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Best friends are the BEST!

I got a surprise package this week from my bestest friend, Blue. She is sneaky and wonderful and I LOVE her. :D

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All together now... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ok now I really have to learn to knit, this yarn is gorgeous. I am so in love with the colors. I don't know I'm thinking maybe a simple felted tote bag?

Yes...YES.. Oh BABY you know how I like it!

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Dh is very confused about the need for "so much" yarn. Of course I can't knit to save my ass so he may have a point. ;)

A very serious topic today...

I am in full on blog envy! Have you read any of the blogs in my link list? Some of these gals are piss in my chair hilarious.

I want to be effortlessly funny. I want to write inspired bits of fluff and have everyone rolling at their desks with tear filled eyes making sure they bookmark my blog so they don't miss my next enchanting entry.

Oh well, I always want to have the skill to knit a real project. Such is life! ;)

Purl = Debil

No, seriously. I really suck at it. My practice piece is so disfugured from my purl attempts that I'm not sure I can share a photo of it. I am now desperate to learn how to use circular needles so I can forever avoid the dreaded purl. LOL

Dog help me

Not only have the yarnophiles sucked me in but now they have talked me into being a craft blogger. Oh the humanity!

I live in one of the hellishly warm southern states

Which means I live in flip flops. You know I'm not sure if I still own a pair of real sneakers... I will have to look.

I made these today. My daughter is thrilled!

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Ok so I am very new at all of this yarn business

And I am a HUGE photo hore so I think you realize where this is going...

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This is my practice, um.. whatever you want to call it. LOL So far I only know the knit stitch so no big thrills yet.