We've been in the house for 18 days.
Day 1, we unloaded the uhaul.
Day 2, Dude got fixed and stayed overnight.
Day 3, Get Dude... less than 2 hours later he's bleeding and has removed his stitches. The vet meets us and takes him back.
Day 4, Dh leaves to go back to work. Get tv/internet
Day 6, Dude comes home... full of crazy.
Day 11, finally get wireless network running,
Day 12, MIL arrives
Day 13, Dude starts training classes
Day 18, waiting for MIL to leave for airport. Dh leaves in the morning for another week.
Days that weren't listed often went like this....
So here I sit on the morning of Day 19. The Dude is for now quietly playing in the back yard... probably destroying something or chewing on rocks, yep he does that.
I didn't sleep so well last night and I'm the only one awake so far, it's kinda nice to have these moments to collect my thoughts and prepare for the day.
My number one goal for the next few days is to regain some kind of routine. I really haven't had a chance to settle in even though it has been almost 3 weeks. I do not like being in limbo, my friends know this and constantly point it out... thanks. lol We have most of the rest of the furniture that we need but it was delivered yesterday and Chris leaves today so odds are it's not going to be set up in time. Now yes, hear me roar, I guess I could try to put the computer desk and bookcases together but let's get real here and realize that I'm probably NOT going to do that.
I'm going to focus on getting into my kitchen and cooking meals, getting the kids back to bed at decent hours, working on Dude's training.
Eventually, I know everything will be set up and ready and the house will be settled. I just wish it was sooner.
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