Here were some of the better ones...
Teagan wearing my hot glue necklace covered in glitter glue
Button magnets
Etched glass ( I made the stencil, go me)
I finished an order
And I transformed my craft space
It is OK to set limits... at least that's what I'm telling myself. I'm feeling very stressed lately and I'm trying to decide if we really are doing too much or if I just need to up my game.
we have
* Tea's dance clas 2x a week - and they are performance based so then quite a few driving around town to diff venues to perform :twitch I'm also supposedly the parent committee president but I'm stepping down after this year.
* Cam on teen committee, its a drop off but it conflicts with her dancing so I have to think about it weekly and organize the pick up of him while I'm dealing with her
* HS meeetings but they are only 1x a month so thats easy peasy
* Cam bowling league 1x a week
* Chess 1x a week, might move into 2
* Ice Skating which I think we have officially ditched gah
* he was just invited to go play heroscape every friday with other hs boys
* I make all of our bread products from scratch and try to make dinner pretty much every night of the week, it gets dicey on Tues/Wed because those are longer days and I'm usually gone until after or right at dinner - I'm making soups this week so I can do them early.
* my biz is expanding irl and online and I need time at home to keep up and get ahead so I can stock the stores that want to sell my stuff.
* my podcast 2x a week which is honestly one of the few things that keep me sane.
I know it's not that much but some of it is the timing of the activities and I think I need to work on time management. I really feel inferior compared to some of the Super Moms I know and I don't know why I'm having such a hard time of it all.
:paranoia Wow, that was a big ol vent. Sorry...
this has just been weighing on me a lot this week and I sort of gushed. I feel like I really can't talk about it with RL friends because they are doing just as much if not more than I am and coasting along beautifully.
i just have to write about this since it makes me sick to see the rampant stealing of ideas in the indie craft world. there is a HUGE difference between being "inspired" by someone else's work and blatantly STEALING someone else's designs.
in this age of over exposure by way of the internet via blogs, craft sites, etsy, etc. is an original idea a thing of the past? not unless you are a true artist and not an opportunist. there is a GIGANTIC difference here. an artist is someone who comes up with unique, original ideas and is inspired by the world around opportunist is someone who takes an artist's designs and passes them off as their own.
~ an excerpt from Diane's post